Does anyone have this and Do you like this?
Does anyone know if the viral wosado magnetic lashes on tiktok are actually good for daily use?
Random Useful Japan Tips I Don’t See Posted About Often
How much are yal making as rbt’s and what state ?
What’s the pettiest thing you won’t forgive a celebrity for?
After finishing my book, I looked up to see this
Sebaceous filaments! What has worked for you?
Spending tracker
Ariana Grande Rainbow High Doll
Does anyone know what her hair looks like when it’s down?
How did yall found out about Stephanie?
Aniexty in this field
extremely matted hair for months - UPDATE 3
Wildflower ❤️
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
And then I go and spoil it all by having something stupid like depression...
Did not know an articulated model muse body existed
Went to target and got the last 8 HK balls. Here’s the weight and what I got if anyone’s interested.
Looking for similar style dresses to these Betsy & Adam dresses
Is this doll common?
I travel for work and just bought her! I’m so excited to have her with me in all of my travels! 😭
I farted and my boyfriend got mad!
For the RBTs who don’t intend on becoming a BCBA?
Who buys art nowadays?