Feminism is a spectrum
Do you agree with the statement 'Men should not hit women?'
Accidental cure
Men’s Pain Is Mocked, Then Everyone Complains When They Go Looking for Answers
What an Extreme Generalization
What were your results on the Dark Triad test?
Practically speaking, men need to focus more on elaborating the difficulties we are facing and stop hating on other groups of people, even if the hatred is well-justified
What would you call this country?
Flair Survey 2: Political Ideologies
If the world spoke only 6 languages.. Simple and perfect.
Map of europe drawn from memory
Umm, what?
I surrender
Colonial America, Post-Napoleon borders (1815) - My Average Alt History
The Lybian Empire in 748 AD, by u/Khersteinberg
Map of my Average Alt History (1815 borders but New World colonization)
Need help looking for antimisandry comic
What is a term for seeking equality between sexes but advocating for both women and men?
Is this towel red or orange? I have been arguing about that for 30 minutes
Which formatting is correct for British English?
Roses are red, I have no class
How does creating & joining countries and going to war work?
NRP Map (as of 2025.03.03)
Do I sometimes exist?
Top 5 Comments Change This 1939 Map (1946: NEXT YEAR THERE WILL BE A WORLD WAR, CREATE TEAMS!!!)