I collect 1990s movies. Can you guess movies I DON'T have in my collection that I SHOULD have.
seriously needs creation
About a bake sale…
Chicken giblets
Found stuck to a shelf in the bread aisle at Walmart
What is that "net" for over a deceased in a casket?
Any scary vampire stories where the vampire's neither a refined gentleman or lady, nor a mindless vampire zombie?
Found on a table at the Pain Management doctor's.
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
Mfing canned green beans: how to make not gross..?
Best Gay Books?
There was a clear winner on A. Next up is B.
Which non-horror movie has a scene so disturbing it might as well be horror?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Felt appropriate here
Oddities auction
The Official Entwives Inauguration Post
Name suggestions for my coworker?
Book for non-reader husband?
What to do with 10 BarS Polish sausages
A schizophrenic person self-trephinates
A fan letter from an 11-year old me to King, and the reply, from 1986
Which to go for first?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
AIO by being offended at this girl possibly suggesting Im a pedo?