what analogy do you feel best explains what BPD feels like?
Trying to plan my birthday drink for lunch later today - what do you guys think?
Healing I guess
does anybody else feel extremely childish during meltdowns?
Does anyone else get anxiety when you make a decision for yourself, or express a boundary that is potentially disappointing to someone else and they DON'T make a big deal out of it?
Does anyone else give your interests away?
What are your parents like?
I want to kill myself
PMS advice
Someone help me figure this out, please…
I can't reach out to others
I am the most disgusting person ever
What a nice curse
Whats your birthmonth?
Relationship help needed ASAP or I'll lose him. Please...
Feeling PMS symptoms twice a month?
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Anyone else feel this way?
Looking for people to talk to.
irrational anxiety in healthy relationship
This girl with bpd
Just a List of Symptoms?
2 weeks into breakup and i already have a new FP.
Does anyone else get physical reactions to the overwhelming emotions?
Just got diagnosed