Boards khatam and I am wasting my life, I don't know what to do 😭
why do they make ts so hard to tear
Silly doubt
Iske liye ready raho
These NextTopper femboys don't even know how GOATED they were!
NRI QUOTA releted doubt (finished 10th in Saudi)
Just curious yk
I hate these two disabled niqqas
these chapters are the toughest and the most boring chapters in the entire class 12th biology in my opinion
Doll hand
How to make money making art
Switching to a new school, advice needed
Michael Jackson caught hiding in poland
You use ENO for acidity or bakery ??
What are the best yt channels for 10th?
Class 10 Foreign sets of all subjects were hella easier than the Delhi/Outside Delhi sets I have seen on this sub
Is this Fr ? ( language warning )
What careers can i opt for after taking PCB ?
taking pcb but i dont want p.ed
guys drop ur bucket list after boards
Regretting my decision of not taking basic maths
Can you balance social life and PCM?
Yeah yeah