OSE and B/X: Combat movement through enemy spaces. What's your house rule?
Prettiest LOTD modlist?
ELI5: NFF, custom followers, vanilla followers, and follower limit
If you had to pick 3 systems, and those would be the only systems you could play for the rest of your days, which would you pick?
Looking for Modlist suggestion: Visual+, non-power fantasy, extra quests, room for more mods
Suggest a Modlist: good graphics, lore friendly, realistic and immersive, with room for more mods?
Games like The Thaumaturge
Looking for hardie board siding installers in the Comox Valley area.
Want some old Make Magazines?
OSE in roll20
0-level retainers don't last long (but they aren't dying)!
House Rule for Identifying magic items
Software for adding extra areas to existing maps?
About to run Arden Vul. What VTT is best for map reveal? Plus any other tips?
Online, shared die-roller for 3d6 sets?
Where the heck could I buy bricks like this? Anywhere in the valley? Online?
Getting error using e4mc and Cuboid Outpost Luxury. Help
A couple of questions about Create Astral
Auto resource collection off sluices?
Adding expansions to base game
Create Astral: How to move less than 1 bucket of fluid?
Questions about 'Essential' Mod
Easiest way to get rid of Sand?
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