Now we have Jammer Striders, so I guess next thing on the list is this abomination in a conga line with other titans
Which Warframes just feel wrong to you?
Ol' reliable
I need it just in case
Idea for an easy to implement pity system for older Warframes
This is the best primary for bots
Wait, The Spray and Pray is just a worse Incendiary?
The Community Response to My Last Post...
How it feels playing multiplayer sometimes
We need more RR Divers!
How It Feels to Pickup the Egg
Random team killing is not fun
Which Warbond for a new Diver?
Some people shouldn’t host
Wait, You Serious?
But Firebomb Hellpods Are Fun!
Firebomb Hellbombs is my favorite booster.
My Thoughts On The Update
Wait some of you guys actually don't want more protoframes?
Which boss fight was the best?
What's the dumbest reason you won't use a frame?
What do you guys think about W.A.S.P. Launcher?
What did they do to my dominator? (Blinding Smoke)
derelict ships / wrecks, whats their purpose?