Does this rugby polo shirt fit well with my short hair?
Did I something wrong or did I encounter a rude hairdresser?
is it weird to go to a museum on your own?
Is it weird to ask the person who cuts my hair to shave my neck with a sharp razor?
An autistic woman (30) ended our friendship by text out of the blue and I (27M) don't know what I did wrong.
An autistic woman (30) ended our friendship by text out of the blue and I autistic 27M don't know what I did wrong.
Is it weird to ask the person who cuts my hair to use a sharp razor?
Should I go out although I feel worse after that?
All Church magazines are now free!
Did my stylist gave me a bad haircut or did I have a unrealistic expectations?
Would a undercut suit me?
Vorher und nachher
Drew myself as a missionary, if I was able to be one
I just vaccuumed my room, but I feel so bad after.
I don't think I attract them, but maybe more vulnerable?
Could this haircut work on mine facial shape?
Would this haircut suit me? Looking at my head.
My ward was giving out free book and I grabbed this one
Ligt het aan mij of ben ik een beetje onbeleefd behandeld?
Is there a returned missionary subreddit?
I just realised how good I would look with a beard.
Bleached and dyed my hair myself for the first time