Missing Buildings
Free materials Cooldown From watching Ads
Game Retro yang seru/aneh/nostalgia?
A classic bdo experience
#30 - Left 4 Dead 2
New costume goes hard! Ram horn witch when?
I know this is from mobile, but man this character select screen is awesome!
How my main changed through the years
Finally completed my long term goal, 6/6 PEN Manos acc (bought)
Will BDO get more zones/content in the future?
Keributan ojol ijo dan kuning di Stasiun Poncol, Semarang
Bro why the FUCK is this game so insistent on making me complete the most arbritary and tedious tasks to get essential upgrades?
Buat kalian yang nggak merokok, bagaimana ceritanya sampai kalian bisa nggak ikutan merokok sampai saat ini?
Things that can be turned into a lot of silver?
Hostile Architecture di Indonesia
BR 10.0+ Gameplay
Solare brought me to this game. Today I celebrate a personal milestone. Hope I can encourage you to begin your adventure in BDO
Afking Needed?
What's the best thing you've got from an RNG box
Do launcher only users get somethings for free steam users don't?
[Scoreboard Saturday] from 2 days or so ago, and I been thinking Submarines should not only need to be further nerfed....
Design for T10 Dine
What is with operations?