Se buscan voces argentinas para un proyecto del videojuego S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
How do I know when I'm using chest voice?
Vocal Exercises you Hate?
What is falsetto?
From voice to midi
Can anyone help me figure out the name of this cat? I can't seem to find it
i need help with my mixed voice
Which musician gives you chills?
I mean come on how fun is this one? Give me album names
Here's a reason I think singing might be tricky to learn for all of us (one of many)
Becoming an artist
Am i a tenor?
Does anyone know how I could recreate this sound?
Not confident
Mental issues
Should I start with singing lessons?
What's the deal with singing softly, or singing with lots of volume?
Ages ago, I saw a joke post here that was like "I am an unborn fetus, is it too late for me to learn how to sing?" I haven't been able to find it in searches--are there reddit archive sites I could look on?
Basics for singing?
What’s your vocal range?
What is your warm up routine?
What bands/artists inspire your writing style?
How do I make my voice more unique?