LF Magikarp and Kangaskhan
Genetic Apex quests (Charizard, Mewtwo and Gardevoir)
Missing a few from spacetime
LF Magneton with volt charge
Lf nidoqueen and golem from genetic apex
LF: Nidoqueen (168), Venusaur Ex (004)
Completing triumphant light
LF: A few STS 3 Diamond
LF STS Cards
Lf- Kabutops GA
LF: Lucario or Rampardos
LF: See in picture
LF Dialga EX
Looking for Cresselia, Staraptor, Mamoswine, Heatran, Drifloon,Mesprit and Croagunk STSD
I have these to trade…
Looking to trade for Electivire, Cresselia and Lucario
LF:Leafeon EX FT: Arceus EX, Mismagius Ex Wigglytuff EX
LF: Muk, Hypno, Melmetal, regular snorlax. FT: Below
LF Moltes EX. I have a Darkrai EX to trade
3 Diamond card
LF Mismagius and Machamp EX- Have Lots of EX Trades
Pirates might be the most cursed setting in gaming history
Advice for infrared grill with natural gas capability?