Illuminated swirl in the sky this past evening!!
Mini God Pack xD
LF: Dramione fic where they find a Dragon in Hogwarts
LF: Dramione Fic where Fred lives but loses a leg
Did we just become best friends moment
First God Pack
LF : 2 Diamonds Cards
Mirror Mirror on the Wall...
Searchin for Articuno Ex, Gengar Ex and Wigglytuff EX
LF 1 Star Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Golbat, cubone and gyarados from genetic apex
LF shaymin, magmortar, luxray, giratina, rhyperior, bastiodon, porygon z all holo FT ask me i got many holos
Is it possible to trade for older promos?
Lf Uxie, Dusclops, Gabite, Staraptor, cyrus ft : ask me
LF: pictured, FT in post
Looking for: Team Galactic Grunts
Bois I need to know y’all’s opinion on this deck
I just cannot find a rocky helmet
God Team vs A Tree!!
Mirror Duels can be boring or exciting!!
I just finished all the IA battles, now what?
LF: Frogadier from Genetic Apex
LF: 2 Frogadier's from Genetic Apex