I’m Gonna Say It
Which Minecraft tree will be remove?
Dried ghasts having a crafting recipe makes no sense
OFFICIAL Crafting Recipe of the Dried Ghast [via Bobicraft - Content Creator who playested the Happy Ghast]
There trying to remove the hole where the ghast tentacles come out of bruv WE NEED TO STOP MOYANG NOW
Calling happy ghasts with goat horns
If you could make one Kendrick song just as popular as Not Like Us or Luther, what song would it be and why?
Dawg 😭
Just got this notification on my phone lmao
ChampagnePapi Leaked DMs regarding NLU, Botting, EbonyPrince2k, Lebron, Jackson Mahomes & more
I swear they’ve just been slapping random dance moves on these emotes
Rate my chandelier
Im sorry.
How tf he get Kendrick to say this
Why doe he look like that 😭
Thoughts about this take?
Kendricks verse on family ties is so ass
This is really happening. This is not a joke. Look on youtube. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!
From Kurrco on X
What are these tiny clear green balls?
I just stumbled upon this on instagram and I have to say that these designs not only look 1000 times better than the trailer but also feel accurate and believable for the Shrek universe.
So many players on at the moment
SHREK 5 OUT JULY 1ST 2026!!!
This has to be a Mandela effect