DNF’d The Cruel Prince Last Year…Now I’m Obsessed With This Series. Here’s My Review for Book 3.
Y’all need to try this I’m crying rn😭😂
Gifts from friends ☺️
Birthday Haul
FirstCry fomo sale
Is this normal?
I'm watching the drama for the plot..... the plot :
New Maccaron deal
Korean lip products i love
Is it back?😭
Rom&nd glasting lip balm
What will be your reaction?
My current skincare + Review
Rent a boyfriend
Biggest embarrassment 😳
Valentine's Gift from me to myself 😍
Pre valentine's post midnight loneliness be hitting real hard 😔
Smol haul
A little Valentine’s day shopping that I did for myself 🥰🫶🏻💘✨💌
Just a meme
Joining the “boyfriend got me these gifts” club
Does anyone recognize what this is?
Everything I received for my birthday this year : )
Innisfree aloe gel B1G1 plus additional discount
Hope you have life insurance.