Why do people prefer raw to smackdown?
Looking for a good weed delivery service in North Orange County. Any recommendations?
why don’t they do 2 10 minute rounds for submission grappling championship matches
fall semester take aways
Which 2k game has the best shooting in your opinion?
6’10 SF Kevin Durant tybe build
Explain this one 2k. 93 3pt and clutch shooter badge… heartbreaking
Aye if you need a 6'7 pg wit shot and lock take for pro-am 5v5 or you tryna make a team lmk ps4
Need high IQ teammates for pro am/rec ps4
Need players for rec ps4 any position
“Ps4” 89 overall SG looking to run proams and rec hml
need 2 for pro am nba 2k23 ps4
The nail in the coffin on what has been a terrible career so far for Shep
Machida is a great counter to these lanky middleweight kick-boxers
my personal discography ranking (i literally discovered all her music a few months ago so i have zero bias this is just my personal opinion and what records i think have the best songs) ask for reasoning in the comments
Lana del Rey's Worst Album (Day 02)
i’m not hating i absolutely love her music, but am i the only one who fuckin hates the beat switch in west coast
Was Cena vs Punk better than Rock vs Austin?
My Current Universe Champions (idea from u/froggydoodle)
What are your unpopular wrestling opinions?
Do you refer to most characters as first name or last name?
Am i the only one who doesn’t mind the superkick
[MCM] Wrestlemania Night 2 Results
[MCM] Wrestlemania Night 1 Resuls
What’s your mount rushmore of pro wrestling? (not wwe but all of wrestling ie wwe, wcw, tna, roh, njpw, etc)