Reasonable drink packages from Pacha
Has everyone seen how they filmed the van scene in Adolescence! It looks so bizarre there’s literally a guy sitting on top of the van driving it
A flight from LA to China had to turn around at the weekend because the pilot forgot his passport!!! 😂😂
A United Airlines flight had to turn around at the weekend because the pilot forgot his passport!!!! 😂
Pilot on International flight to China forgot to carry his Passport.
Did anyone else notice Ryan farting at last night’s commitment ceremony? It was so loud! So funny 🤣
Who else thinks these moments in Adolescence were definitely mistakes? They covered them up so well, really is so clever how it was all one take
What’s the best Hawker Center to go to while I’m in Singapore? Is it the one with Satay Street?
I’m in Singapore for 3 nights (4 days) in May and it’s my first time there - what are the things I MUST see and do while I’m there?
Woman smokes on the plane
Saw this cutie straight chillin
What SQ opinion do you have that would result in this?
Guess my dog’s name just based on what he looks like 😆