That....probably sounded cooler in your head.
"WE want more flawed MCs",i'm gonna be so deadass, you all can't even handle Mark from Invincible.
I think Manny actually likes his brothers even though he’s kinda evil
If you could cast JK Simmons as a Batman villain,who would you choose?
Firelords trying not to have kids as an old ass man
Gonna say it,turning against Mark isn't just stupid from a emotional perspective, it's stupid from a logical standpoint as well,which makes Cecil a idiot.
Honestly, Mark is legitimately a tragic as hell Character.
Look..I know Kate is a 19-21 Year old And all that and I dunno what is about their relationship and all that but somethings about it just rub me the wrong way,not a fan.
I am gonna be so real when I ask this and even say this..what the fuck does Kate even do?like,at all?what does she contribute to the story and characters?
Doesn't anyone think it's weird for Kuvira to date a member of the family that took her in? No? Just me? All good
No offense and I don't hate Cecil but this is a extraordinarily moronic choice and it's where the Risk heavily outweighs the reward.
Cecil kinda makes me laugh here cause who did he think he was fooling and what was his plan?
When it comes to the Cecil fight, why do people ignore Mark’s autonomy?
Dont you think mark going back to killing affects the character arc he was in.
Who would you cast Black Mask as in The Batman and in the new DCU?
Tbh,watching certain shows pretty much feels like it doesn't matter how much good a character can do cause the Fandom will turn on them if they make a mistake or 1 selfish choice.
Guys hear me out, Vanessa
Like him or hate him, Immortal was 100 percent right about Darkwing. When the chips were down, he acted like a true hero.
Characters family/friends who always seem to clutch up big time when they're needed.
Honestly..Cecil pretty much created his own problems when it came to Mark.
What do you think his real name was before he became "Conquest"?
I will always love it when a villain is called out and proven wrong.
Has there ever been a bleach take you've heard that had you like this?
What's your favorite moment when the Hero just goddamn locks in?
Why spiderman wasn't on the show