Favorite character who has used this type of attack?
If Cyn's insanity/evilness was cured, what would she do next?
We all know what that means :]
Don’t you think that someone can buy the show and continue it? That would answer some prayers about continuing the series.
If they are actually making a S2, let them cook, it hasn't been a year yet
I have done it...
Favorite character that just won't stay dead?
This is why i prefer this sub more than r/MurderDrones
WHY TF DOES PYRO EXIST?!? (speaking as a f2p scout main)
Favorite killer robot
Why we don’t need a season 2
Favorite character from a series that you’ve never watched/played/read?
I don't care if this gets downvoted into hell, I just want to show a thing I made recently
favorite vtuber
The T-1000 takes the appearance of your favorite character, how well does it blend in, and how long until it’s discovered? (Let's just say, he has no limits).
Favorite meme of your favorite character
Angry birds
Make your favorite character a terrorist by taking their actions out of context.
Bro really got killed because of a bird
What's the second to most recent saved picture of your favorite characters?
favorite self loathing character?
What do you think would be Ns favorite video game?
Yeah some people can't stop asking me about it.... Well then.... You want season 4 so bad right???? Well I am going to to it one last time.
Pt3 of what some people on this sub dreams of