An autistic woman (30) ended our friendship by text out of the blue and I (27M) don't know what I did wrong.
I befriended a 30 year old autistic girl a while ago and we seemed to have a match. I have not had such thing before with a women. I consirered it pure platonic and she made that clear that she wanted to keep that way. She is suffering a chronic disease, fibromyalgia. But she seemed fine with our friendship.
One time I texted her how she was doing and called me back if I could help her with cleaning her appartement. Me wanting to be a good friend, I did. We had a fun day and we had diner at my home with my parents. After that we had some text contact, but a meetup didn't work out.
I texted her two months ago if she would like to hangout, but she said was too busy and had no interest. I asked her a month later again, but she 'dude I already told you I have no interest'. From then I have not heard for her again, but I assume she doesn't want to see me anyway. I don't dare to contact her again, because I am afraid of her reaction. And I was devastated when texted me, felt really bad since then and started hyperventilate the first days. The hyperventilation went away, but I still cry about it. I
I don't understand why she suddenly cut contact, while we seemed to have so much fun. And why she had to do it in such mean way. She should consider that I am a man, even worser an autistic man. Why I could not get her hints. I still wonder what I could have done wrong and if she ever felt the same way about me as I did to her. It also amplified my fear that women don't like me, because I am creepy. Ironically what she debunked.