Spawn argues that costreaming is bad for league and that Caedrel should have been banned from ever doing it
Viele Ausbildungen/Studien/Lehren gehören ausgemistet und verkürzt
Wer ist diese Wiener Berühmtheit? Nur falsche Antworten erlaubt.
They can just... Do that?
How can i sleeve my cards when the game is still in shrink!?1!1!???
Dragon Shield: Board Game Sleeves
SOLO BORG launches today! You get to die, horribly, all on your own. 100% compatible with all the other beautiful BORG-ey nonsense out there. Launches 1pm UK, 9am EST (Link in Comments)
What are your favourite mechanics to hack into other systems?
Why are random encounters balanced this way?
Causa Buwog: Oberster Gerichtshof bestätigt Urteil in Kernvorwürfen – vier Jahre Haft für Grasser
„Doppelt so groß“: Budgetloch bleibt Herausforderung
Mehrwehrt des ORF1?
Potential Corporate Sponsorship/Brand Extension Ideas for LR
[TDM] Dragon's Prey (Card Image Gallery)
Fuck the LEC, the boys should apply for the the LPL
OSE and B/X: Combat movement through enemy spaces. What's your house rule?
Will having a cpa overlook my non accounting bachelors
Kirchenbeitrag (aber anders)
Fake Ärztin macht meine Zahnspange?!
LoL streamer learns to “animation cancel” blindness to keep playing after brain injury
I’m playing a game where everyone has been secretly taking turns sleeping with the DM’s wife for 4-5 hour sessions whenever we’re ‘sick and can’t play this week’
I’m DMing a campaign where the players are secretly just dreaming the entire campaign.
LR EMEA Finals Game 1
Baussi rubs his upper body and pectoral muscles seconds before EM Finals Drafting Stage
Sports gambling degenerates of reddit: What do you think of Robinhood’s sports betting feature so far?