Does someone knows what means when this icon is half green / half white?
What can Dutch people learn from other countries?
Which city to choose in the USA as a young couple from The Netherlands?
Are Democrats Anti-American?
Is your web interface accessible publicly?
Zelensky is going about this the wrong ways
Asking to stop at McDonald’s
Omscholen IT > koeltechniek
Y'all's dashboards put mine to shame!
My country has become a disgrace
Have you ever wore cowboy boots at the beach?
Signaling tones stuck on ETSI
FortiExtender Lan Extension with Fortigate
Abandoned Leisure Centre
Getting a mortgage in the NL?
Abandoned train depot
Nicotine in water vapor
Material testing lab in abandoned steelworks
The shoes I wanted have the most slippery soles ever
This is how the game is supposed to be played, right?
Switchen van kantoorbaan naar Vrachtwagen chauffeur?
First pair, Dan post Milwaukee’s
Cars air/heat blower just went out and it's 6 degrees where I live
Fuck it Friday!