This is my build for 1080p 240fps for streaming and gaming bo6 will it run and perform smoothly
Installing GPU
What do you think Nomad, Fury, Vasily and Fixit do for R&R (Rest and Recreation) on Auroa when they aren’t fighting Sentinel, Bodark or Wolves?
Got all the pieces, time to put it together.
PC Won't Show Video
I was scrolling through facebook marketplace and i saw this pc listed for 200$ yall think its worth it? and btw its missing gpu and power supply
Built this 5 months ago. How much is it worth now?
Is it normal for my computer to be using echo location?
How to install ssd
I need help with my PC
Anything an update to 3090ti that’s not the 5090?
Installed a 1tb PNY CS900 ssd and now it won’t boot up properly
Thoughts on this for an upgrade?
Is it enough for my 850W PSU PC?
Upgrading GPU
Gpu decision
Need help do make sure everything looks good
Suggestions on my first build
Good Price?
[KCD2] What should I ask my barber to get this haircut?
Some coating seems to be coming off...
What games do you think this can run
Why is everyone on here freaking out about their 175-175 scores
I was looking through my new phone and ended up in "about phone > Samsung care +" and it opened to this
January LSAT