Does anyone else feel like part of autism is staying the same while watching everyone around you grow up?
How many people here take cold sandwiches or wraps to work for lunch?
"If the genders were reversed..."
Just had the first offici adhd test and I feel like I was making it seem like it made things up.
The duality of lesbianism
If men’s g spot are in their butts, does it feel good when they poop?
Groin attacks
You can't convince me this isn't a "tism" thing
What's the male equivalent of a woman squeezing her tits together provocatively?
How would you react if a girl had self harm scars?
"Giving 100%" and "trying your best" does not mean literally trying as hard as you can
I hate banana
What do you think of guys who can pick locks?
Would you adopt if you couldn’t have children naturally? Or would opt for a surrogate if money was not a concern?
Does anal even feel good or are you all just pretending?
Which body type are you attracted to?
Touching at raves?
How do I (29F) deal with friends constantly being up how “old” I am compared to them?
What "types" of people do you secretly judge or dislike?
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Who sleeps with pets on their beds?
Is picking eye boogers in public socially acceptable?
If you suddenly won $1 million would you tell your boyfriend?
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
What's the most surprising thing you've had to explain to a man about his own body?