Looking For Gallade EX
Lf mismagius ex
Anyone else not 'Stoked' about this card?
LF: 2 Magneton's / 2 Greninja (Genetic Apex)
LF: Blastoise EX and Beedrill
I paid $250 for this- is this a reasonable price?
LF: 2 Magneton's / 1 Venusaur ex
Looking for single Darkrai Ex, two copies of Infernape Ex or Exeggecuter Ex
LF: Rocky Helmet
LF: Leafeon Ex
LF: Monferno
LF Tangrowth
LF Tangrowth (Space Time)
Need venusaur ex, moltres ex, wiglytuff ex. Got several cards top trade. Hit me up!
Fresh retwist I did on myself and added beadsβοΈ
Lf dialga ex
LF Moltes EX. I have a Darkrai EX to trade
LF Yanmega EX
Offering Mewtwo or Wigglytuff for Moltres
LF: Infernape EX
LF: Cyrus
LF 3 πππ cards
LF: Magnezone