Keeping My LDR Alive: How I Manage Anxiety & Negativity... I know there are lots of us out there.
Don’t give up on each other
Have any of you guys experienced feeling intense unhappiness in your relationship one day, and then the next you’re over the moon in love?
Am i appropriating culture?
sorry, my hand slipped
What does a healthy anger outlet look like?
Anybody else been *in* the show before?
I feel so guilty
We Don’t Know
What would you tell your younger self?
As I get older I realise why people don’t want kids.
Name a song that makes you want to this:
Do you want to live forever?
AITAH for refusing to stop using my "embarrassing" lunchbox at work?
PMS advice
I miss being capable of smoking
Start ‘em young
(ENFJ women) are you attracted to men who have a tough exterior but soft interior?
I’ll be 28 next month….
TW!! people on the internet have a shocking lack of understanding of OCD.
What would you tell your 21 year Old self :
Breaking up might feel better than ROCD
Why do I look so UGLY while drumming?
Closed the distance with my (20f) bf (29m) after almost two years long distance!
It feels like we will never close the gap *vent*