Guest invite worry.
Oct 2025 bride. It'll be a small wedding downtown (80 people including family and friends) We did a civil wedding way back in '22 and then moved countries. Our parents wanted us to get a religious service done. So this year we'll conduct a small church wedding in October.
My partners brother currently shares an apartment with us. His girlfriend will be invited to the wedding. A few weeks ago his mother asked if we could invite the girlfriends parents to the wedding too. Please note no one, apart from my brother in law has met the girlfriends parents yet. I definitely don't feel comfortable inviting them 1. I don't know them 2. Weddings are expensive (partner and I are funding it all except for room bookings for stay) 3. Our extended families are meeting for the 1st time and I want them to get to know each other and not get distracted by another family.
Last night my brother in law asked us if we could invite the girlfriends parents (I'm sure his mother has made the request through him) and my partner and I told him we aren't comfortable doing that
I am SO sure that this will come up again closer to the date. My partners parents will be traveling to canada sometime in August and will want to meet her parents and will extend the invite and I'm not comfortable having them there.
My partner did tell them that we are very strict with our numbers and won't be comfortable but the parents have offered to pay for those extra seats.
Even with that offer I feel like it's not fair.
Please make me make sense of this situation.