Are women who call themselves progressive/modern still judging men based on earning/status?

Men have always been judged based on their income, status, earnings, property, etc, while women are judged based on their past.

But women want she should not judged for their past.

What I have seen around me is women who want their past not to matter are giving high importance to men's income, status, earnings, etc.

How come women want changes, but on the other side, they are not changing themselves?

Guys, how's your experience in your friend circle?

And if a man becomes hypocrites if he has been in multiple relationships but wants a girl with no past, how come a girl is not a hypocrite if she is looking for someone who makes more money than her?

Before u start saying past relationship and income is other things. I would like to clarify.. Your preference are highly influenced by society.

Girls are looking looking for security in marriage be it money or safety is not a new thing.. This has been happening since ages.. (thousands of years..

Women preference comes from what she is learning from the society.. It's her society which tell her to look at security..

Thousands of years ago when men and women used to live on jungle and their life is all about hunting and gathering for survival that time it used to make sense women need security because women cannot hunt and protect herself from animal.. Due to low physical strength but now u can earn money and u gather resources all alone.. As far as safety is concern those who power are only safe. Women can also get power if she cracked IAS, Ips exam.. Get power and give safety to your family and husband.. ?

Just look at example of Bollywood every actresses is crore pati can feed multiple guys till their last breath but still they seek for a guy who is better than her.. (hypergamy). Their brain is hardwired. Because this has been happening since thousands of years

Purani soch Khud ki nikal nahi rhi, changes Sirf bando se expect kar rhe.. Aise kaise chalega