Suggest a Modlist: good graphics, lore friendly, realistic and immersive, with room for more mods?

I'm looking for a modlist suggestion to use as a base for my next run. I recently tried Novlus 5, but it was a bit too over the top/high fantasy with all the Stances and stuff. I've also read that the Requiem based mods are often full, with not much room for extra mods.

My computer is decent, so good graphics are possible and wanted. I'd like something lore friendly, but with a bunch of extra quests/areas/followers/homes/etc... Something immersive and semi realistic with some survival needs, but not too hardcore since I can't spend 3 weeks just getting to level 10. It should also be stable, of course.

I'd also like to add a few mods to the list, so ideally something with extra space, that's not completely full already.

So what's a recent, solid modlist you suggest?