A nice story of my girlfriends first trip
I just wanted to share a story from my girlfriend and me when we first tripped together. She hadn't had any previous experiences with psychedelics, only with weed and alcohol, while I had tripped many times and ensured to set up a safe environment for her first trip. When we took the doses, we were at home and just lay in bed with some good music. Later, we laughed like little children about silly stories we made up. After two hours, I recommended taking a walk to a beautiful viewpoint in the woods, where rarely any person comes by. As we enjoyed the view over our home city, we had some very deep conversations. She told me about how she often feels like she's trapped in "a dark room in her mind." When she tries to do something fun or learn new skills, it feels like she puts up a poster on the black walls and tries everything to keep it on there, but it keeps falling off. We talked about this for quite a while, and I tried to support her and tell her that I’d help keep the posters up and that we’d try different glues until it holds up.
A few weeks later, we talked about this trip again, and she told me how much it had helped her with the dark room. She told me that the black room now has a window, and there’s no need to put up posters anymore because she can just look at the beautiful outside world around the room. Maybe one day, she can step outside this dark and empty room. She also told me that in many of her memories, the weather was rainy and cloudy, but when she thinks about the past today, there’s always sunshine.
It made me unbelievably happy to hear that this trip helped her so much with her mind.