How did you meet your band?

I am a self taught guitarist and have social anxiety, but want to play with others and start a shoegaze/noise pop band someday. I just have no idea where to begin with that as an adult (29) who is getting into music, and feel overwhelmed.

I went to an open jam session that a new acquaintance invited me to tonight, and it was so much fun to be at and listen, but, at the same time, I felt so out of place. They were all playing rock and jazz and psych music, and jamming on the spot in front of strangers like it was nothing. I've never done anything like that, and all these great musicians made me feel so overwhelmed.

I write songs in my house in open tunings I make up, ya know? I know music theory and play fine as a rhythm guitarist. But the thing is I just want to strum pretty chords and make loud noise and sing hypnotic melodies. My idealized vision is writing albums and playing shows someday with the songs I prepare with my bandmates/friends, nothing showy or flashy. Just beautiful noise.

At this event I was hoping to meet some people who like shoegaze and want to create in this genre, but it was really not that vibe. So my question is, if you have a band, how did you form it and meet your bandmates? Were you friends who got into music together? Did you meet online? Did you get into shoegaze after playing other genres? Did you write music and then seek out musicians?

I think the fundamental and obvious problem, which is specific to me, is just breaking out of playing alone and trying to play with others in anyway I can and boost my confidence. Should I just pay for lessons or something, so I can practice playing with others? The reality is at this time I am still just not ready. But when will I? Ugh