F20, not aroused by my boyfriend(M23)anymore. What can i do?
This is very very important, so any honest opinions, experiences, advices from anyone(especially women) will be appreciated greatly. This is my 1st proper relationship although i have dated one person before this which i will get to later. So we have been talking for over a year and we started dating about 4 months ago, we meet over the weekends because we kinda live far from each other but last time we met it was after a long time, we met after more than a month of being away from each other because he was with his family, when he came back, i was staying with my family, holidays and stuff and now it's been about 20 days since we met and we'll be meeting in a couple days, i am so nervous. I used to be so wet during our initial meetings, i can't tell if it was infatuation, the thrill of newness that has subsided. i can think of a bunch of reasons for this, one being his nonchalant behavior, he doesn't seem very invested and attentive, he has said some things that have left an impression on me such as him wanting to have sex with multiple women, he still has pictures of his exes saved in his phone that he was trying to hide from me and he said because he wanted to keep their privacy whatever, he also told me that one time he and his ex gf were making out in front of his brother and his bro's gf. i just thought it was super weird. I somewhat feel like a side chick bc he has made it clear that we won't have a future together. It's kinda become like a blockage at this point. The reason why i think all these could be reasons why i am not aroused anymore is because someone said men are more visual whereas for women sex is more cerebral. I never had sex because I am not willing to do it with someone who can't make future commitments, we've only ever done oral stuff and he doesn't even do much, like i give him head, he doesn't, he only ever uses his fingers down there and that too he doesn't do it well, i have no reference to compare because he's the first but i just know he's not doing it right. My past relationship could also play a part bc the guy i dated before him, i wasn't very attracted to him but i still dated him because we got along well but he had some illness which caused him to gain a lot of weight and he didn't have good hygiene, i almost felt repulsed by the end of our relationship. when i broke up with this guy i kinda went back to porn and i was watching girls but i was never romantically attracted to women it was only ever in porn and i never thought of doing it with someone irl except guys. Maybe i was watching them because i wanted to feel that way, idk. nd now when i watch porn, i am not even turned on with girls or guys. I also denied myself a lot of dating life because i had serious self image issues, it's only when he told me and a lot of other people including men and women that i realised i am actually physically attractive, so i kinda denied myself guys all my teenage years and i don't look very approachable anyway so yeah never dated anyone while i was sexually evolving. I can't really tell why? is it because subconsciously i don't trust i am the only one he wants, or is it because of his personality, or him not putting in effort to turn me on, or am i more into women? This is very unfamiliar terrain for me, although i have done my research and women have experienced this, some say women take more time, women are more cerebral and more emotional that's why, can anyone really help me figure out?? Has anyone been in a similar situation or anyone you know has? how did you figure it out?