How to help my wife with unexpected pregnancy

So a little bit of background. My wife and I got married 2 years ago. Shortly afterwards we decided that we did not want children, so I got a vasectomy (now I have come to learn through testing that it reversed itself). My wife also have PCOS. So we thought that we were in the clear. Last week my wife decided to take a test since she was late and had been experiencing some other symptoms and found out she was pregnant. After going to the doctor and getting an ultrasound we found out she was 5 weeks pregnant. She never wanted kids. Having a kid was her biggest nightmare. But we also do not consider termination an option. After the ultrasound she was in such distress that I had to physically stop her from pulling out her hair. It's been about a week and the initial shock has worn off, but now my wife is a shodow of her former self. She doesn't smile anymore. She barely eats. In 3 days she has lost 5 pounds. She is no longer interested in friends or former hobbies. She has told me that she does not want to do activities that we lived doing anymore. She is clearly showing signs of depression. I am in full support of going to therapy, individual or couples, though I'm unsure if I should broach that subject. I just want my wife to be happy. I have 2 questions. 1 is to the women who were in similar situations. How did your husbands help you when you discovered you were pregnant. What can I do to support her. So far I have just been spending as much time as I can with her. Telling her I love her, trying to get her to eat, and taking care of as much of the housework as possible. What else can I be doing for her.

2, she did not realize that she was pregnant until 5 weeks in. During those 5 weeks, while she did not drink excessively, she did drink about 2-3 times a week. She has since stopped drinking entirely. But what are the chances of permanent damage, and what damage could we expect.