SNAP/EBT Food Stamps MO
Okay. I need to rant about this fucking system.
I applied for SNAP two weeks ago, they told me I needed to complete an interview. I missed the two phone calls (both at 7am) and then called again every day since then when I had to day off to do during business hours.
I receive a SNAP card in the mail, and a confirmation that I was approved and a paper about a deadline to do an interview. I go into the DSS building, and was told walk-in hours/snap interviews end at 2pm. DOESNT SAY ON THE WEBSITE.
Then today I got back to the DSS building, and am told to wait until my name is called for my in-person interview. This took FOUR FUCKING HOURS… My name is called and they sit me at a “booth” with a fucking phone in-front of me telling me to wait till it rings. Which is what I have been doing the past two weeks from MY HOME. I sit at this “booth” for my inperson interview for another HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES. It rings, I answer, she asks me all the normal questions. She then puts me on hold for 15min to go over my income. AFTER THR FIVE HOURS OF WAITING IN THE GODFORSAKEN BUILING, she tells me I make $200 more than the poverty amount in Missouri. $200!!! MY BAD DIDNT KNOW I WAS LOADED. She then tells me I do not qualify after hearing the amount of money in my bank accounts and hearing the price I pay for my gas bill…
All in all. FIVE HOURS OF MY LIFE, just to be told I am actually a fucking loaded twenty something single girl and don’t need food assistance… I’m pissed off. Maybe JUST MAYBE i could have made more fucking money today if you didn’t make me sit in a fucking office for FIVE HOURS just to tell me I’m too rich to ask the state to buy me a loaf of bread..
Fuck Missouri and fuck this whole system. It’s really encouraged me to figure out how the hell we can fix it. But thank god we got that new FUCKING UGLY CURRENT STADIUM.
Thats all. Thanks for reading. I’m severely pissed off.