I let go and detached then I dreamt about SP
So I was manifesting my SP. Old story was we broke up 6 months ago. Few months after the breakup, I was in his hometown and he greeted me on my birthday saying if i need anything he’s always there for me and I have a kind soul blahblah. I wasn’t manifesting him so I responded coldly then there was a 3P. I don’t really check the 3D so idk what’s up with them now, I don’t really care.
Anyway, i started actively manifesting him a month ago did all the SATs and inner conversation then I stopped. I posted on here saying I’m convinced he’s manifesting me or thinking about me nonstop cause I get sudden bouts of crash outs when I think about him. I just processed all of it and cried when I want to then I fully gave up like days ago cause I realized I’m better off and I’ll be happy with or without him. Then for the first time I had a vivid dream about him. In my dream, my bestfriend started renting in my SPs apt building and we were hanging outside then I saw his car pull up and he was looking for me, I saw his face vividly and the vibe was he was shy and shocked at the same time that I was there. I was surprised and thought ohmygosh he might think I’m only here cause i want to see him but my bestfriend is really living here now so i have no choice but to be here. Like i always wanted to dream about him when I was doing SATs and I never had one dream about him until now. Just wanna share this and i want to hear what you guys think??