I watched the entire spin-off show "Joey", and here are my thoughts on it.

I remember watching it quite a bit back in the late 2000s, but since I recently finished re-watching Friends, I wanted to give it another shot, partly because it shares the same universe, and partly because Matt LeBlanc plays Joey in it. So, I was just curious about how good or bad it is and whether Joey's character changes much. And I just finished watching the entire show last night, and here are some of my thoughts on it.

Given that I haven't seen it, like, in about 15 years or maybe more, it didn't really bring me any nostalgia or anything, but it's not entirely unwatchable. It honestly feels like just "another" sitcom, but it was actually a decent show. I can totally accept it’s nowhere near as good as Friends, and I tried not to compare the two too much since the vibe is so different, but I couldn't help it. I just kept seeing Joey Tribbiani in it.

For me, it's more about how Joey would look in Seasons 11 and 12 if they existed (and he basically still looks the same, just slightly older and having gained some weight). But honestly, I can't even tell if he's the same Joey we know. He feels like both Joey and not Joey at the same time, which is weird. It's just as if Matt is playing another character, a mix of Joey Tribbiani and Charlie Harper. I liked how he still kept the same Joey energy, though.

The supporting cast is okay. Andrea Anders, as Alex, is your typical, average neighbor. Paulo Costanzo, as Michael, felt more suited for The Big Bang Theory than this show. Drea de Matteo, as Gina, always acts like she's Obnoxious American MILF #1. Jennifer Coolidge was easily one of the best and funniest parts of the show. She's actually much funnier here than in Friends.

The first season was actually quite decent and provided solid entertainment, even though it had issues with writing quality compared to Friends. The episodes with Lucy Liu were my favorites. But the second season? It honestly felt lazy and lifeless, almost like when everyone at your job is on vacation or has moved on, but you're still left working alone. Some of the acting was lazier, too. And the new character, Zach, almost ruined the entire season. The movie-set scenes were boring. However, the last few episodes were decent. Even though the show was cancelled, the finale gave a solid ending for Joey, but that's not saying much. I just quickly moved on and forgot about the show after finishing it. First season - 8/10. Second season - 6/10.

That's just about it. Sorry for a bit long post, but thank you for reading word for word anyway, lol.