Books you thought you would love but hated instead
Perhaps you waited eagerly for the next book in your favorite series, but then it turned out to be a huge disappointment. Maybe you believed the hype a book was getting so you decided to buy it only to DNF it halfway through. For me it’s often when the MC is too stupid or incompetent or if I hate the love interest. I also can’t stand misogyny, the other woman trope, jealousy, easily could have been resolved misunderstandings, too much angst etc.
I’ll go first:
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels #6) by Ilona Andrews - Favorite series but this was a huge disappointment
Iced (Fever #6) by Karen Marie Moning. Loved the previous books but this made me quit the series altogether
Wicked Crown (Shattered Kingdom #2) by Angelina J. Steffort. Hated the love interest
House of pounding hearts (Kingdom of Crows #2) by Olivia Wildenstein. Hated the MC
When the moon hatched (Moonfall #1) by Sarah A. Parker. Actually felt sorry for the love interest