Dragon Ball Daima is Absolutely Dogshit.
Yes I mean it. Let's be honest here dragonball fans many of us including me only follow dragon ball content just for nostalgia (same for pokemon) and those who actually watch the new dragon ball content for entertainment get shit like daima . The story is just sloppy kids entertainment and there is no serious or mature tones in the story. For the action we get only like 3-4 fight scenes which were below average with decent one piece inspired animation . I would rather watch og DB for nostalgia or DBZ for a bit of entertaining and mature story. I would say DBS was the peak of action in dragon ball but now it feels like the soul and personality of the db franchise as a whole died after DBS cuz I can't keep watching this sloppy writing from Dragon ball bro . I'm telling u if we ever reach Re zero/AOT lvl of mature writing and gore in the series with an actual story with some stakes ,DB would be the best anime to exist ever. Ik I would prob get monumental hate for this post . I don't want edgy db but atleast a good story dude. Reverend insanity, LOTM , Re Zero, AOT, Marineford,COTE,Tomodachi game,Vinland saga easily clear any DB series ever in terms of writing tbh