Mystery Solved: My Dog Hated the Modem & Router Bc It Was a Fire Hazard
TL;DR: a heartwarming story in which the dog's dislike of technology may have prevented a fire.
A while back, I posted about my dog's sudden and mysterious hatred of my internet modem and router. Unless they were secured inside a milk crate with a weight on top, she would paw at them relentlessly. If they were on a shelf or in a drawer, she would pull on the exterior cords. The crate and redirection minimized but didn't stop the problem. (My options for placement were limited.) It happened whether the devices were switched on or not. Eventually, she went on pain meds for arthritis and generally calmed down, including leaving the router alone for the most part...
Until last week when she seemingly lost her mind, broke into the crate, and jiggled the router/modem enough that they stopped working completely.
Internet guy comes out, takes the modem off the wall and discovers that it had a loose connection that was evidenced by the slight scorching on the wall where it was mounted. I told him about the dog and asked if she was maybe smelling it?
"Probably. Dogs sense stuff like that before we do."
This was probably a random coincidence, and it's very possible that the dog's attacks on the device produced the short, but I DID wonder if she was telling me something. Since the installation of the new modem and router, she's completely ignored it.