What do you think about Federalism in the Philippines?

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Finally someone said it.

Last year, there was movement calling for a Mindanao Independence Movement, but Federalism was actually what FPRRD desired even before he ran for office in 2016.

Hear me out. I know it is next to impossible, but his logic truly makes sense, seeing how divided the North and the South really is, how people from the North look down on us as poor, "uncivilized" "bayaran" "uneducated" members of this society, living in undeveloped parts of the Philippines.

The reason why only a Mindanaoan leader can discern this, is because looking at the distribution of the budget among the cities within the Philippines, there really is a stark contrast. 

The current Pr*sident cut budgets of several cities since occupying his seat at Malacañang. Look at what happened to the projects in Davao and several other regions in Mindanao. If you have contractor friends, friends in the city engineers, or any government body, you can feel the anguish of people losing their jobs, losing their budgets and unable to finish their government projects, their salaries significantly delayed. Meanwhile we keep on hearing about millions and billions of the budget missing from specific departments in the administration, tapos sino ang mananagot? Wala. Kasi nobody has the iron fist to address this widespread corruption. Basically, kung hindi ka ally, wala kang budget. I am no fan of Baste, but this was what he was fighting for, for the past years since M*rcos' reign.

It's high time, our taxes work for US, THE SUB-SAHARAN MINDANAOANS. That was the dream of our Tatay. It may be a far-fetched dream, but it's something worth thinking about.
