Bro why the FUCK is this game so insistent on making me complete the most arbritary and tedious tasks to get essential upgrades?

RNG enchanting? I can take that. I know what I signed up for. Hours upon hours of grinding for measly upgrades? That's fine. Absurd class balance? Monetization? Item bloat? Capped node wars killing PVP? Couldn't give a fuck, sucks, but whatever.

But holy shit bro. The journals and questlines? I'm going to get an aneurysm.

No Pearl Abyss, I donot think that forcing me to complete a metric fuck ton of puzzles that range from tedious and time-wasting to damn near game-breaking with a 10% chance of crashing and a ton of unskippable cutscenes upon completion just for fast travel, world-wide storage and a PEN boss armor which isn't even that much on the MP is necessarily a fun experience, and I would rather NOT have to go through that for basic QoL.

No Pearl Abyss, I do not think that going through the LOML questline, which is littered with unskippable cutscenes about a story I do NOT care about, just for a Boss Blitz mechanic and some sheet GS upgrades is something I desire. Nor do I want to finish up a bunch of fucking tedious ass tasks in journals just for 16 more gearscore, which is frankly, such a necessary upgrade that it is insane that anybody would make it this tedious to finish up.

No Pearl Abyss, I don't think that making each main questline region basically one-hundred to two-hundred quests per region is a good idea, and should be condensed to a significantly SMALLER number.

I just want to kill shit and make silver bro, HOLY FUCK, PLEASE.