If there was a Targaryen heaven, and all Targaryens could watch Dany as she progresses, how do you think their reactions would be and how would their interactions between each other occur? (Spoilers Published)

I know this has been asked before but it’s been already 8 years. This is something that really interests me for the simple fact that I think most of them them would be very proud or emotional, even Aegon I.

It’s said Aegon wept the first time he held Rhaena in his arms (probably due to a resemblance to Rhaenys maybe?), but that makes me think he was a firm yet emotional guy to at least a certain degree. Could he see himself in Daenerys maybe? What would the other Targaryens there talk about when it comes to what they’re watching/Dany hatching dragon eggs after more than a century without them?

And obscure/not main Targaryens too, like Valarr, Saera, Vaegon, Helaena, Rhaelle…I wonder what would go through their heads, if they’d care, if they would just wish they weren’t there with all the others, if they’d root for Dany like everybody else seemed to be doing…especially those tied to other houses, like Rhaelle, who was deeply tied to House Baratheon and said House wanted Daenerys dead with all their being.

And of course, her main family interaction. Rhaella, Aerys, Rhaegar and Viserys. I wondered what it would be like if Aerys was sane (like he was early in life) in this “heaven” (which is ironic because we all know he and many other Targaryens are burning in the seven hells). Would he regret things going like this? Would Rhaella weep? Would Viserys be sad/angry/envious? Or he’d go back to be normal after being reunited with his mother? (Im delulu)

What do yall think?

Edit: I also think Aegon I, Egg, Daemon, Rhaenyra, Dany of Dorne, Shiera Seastar (if she’s not Quaithe), Rhaenys the Queen Who Never Was, Aemon (Rhaenys’ dad), Baelon, Alyssa and of course Rhaella would be her biggest supporters there (I may be forgetting someone).