My Thoughts On The Update
1.) Flight feels a lot more responsive and I appreciate it. Smaller ships travelling at max speed in travel mode aren't relegated to "oh please baby Space Jesus take the wheel", and I have noticed that even the larger ships feel more responsive in travel drive.
2.) AI seems more competent in fighting. Me likey.
3.) The Hyperion is a terrific addition. It's not intended to be a capital brawler, or even an escort ship. It's a behind-the-lines scout ship and QRF anchor, if anything. A couple of those flying around to protect miners provides a reasonable amount of power for a similarly reasonable cost. It's fast and, probably better it's very responsive. The one I have admittedly is all Paranid equipment, but I assume it will be just as good once I upgrade it to Terran drives.
Overall, excellent update from Egosoft here, and the fact that the majority of this was free really shows, in my opinion, that they care about the game's lifespan. If you can, buy the Hyperion DLC, too.