Personal Opinion: WWE (even today) lacks respect for Non-Samoan Asian Superstars?

When I say lacks respect, I don't mean in the sense that booking/management doesn't respect them as people, but rather as talent and how they get presented on screen. Even before when I talk about (late Vince Regime and on), people like KaiNTai, Funaki, etc. were treated mostly as gag characters there to laugh at or along with. But, there's 3 main points that I want to talk about here:

A: Shinsuke Nakamura - While Nakamura did come into WWE as an older talent (was already in his 30s and had spent a decade+ wrestling in Japan), he was handled well in NXT, of what I watched of his run (I started watching in mid-late 2016 as more than just whenever my dad watched), and his debut on Smackdown after Mania 33 was great imo, but he hasn't really done much since losing in Wrestlemania 34. Lackluster title reigns, nonsensical story lines, and also just some bad booking decisions (as good as the match was, I'm looking at the Last Man Standing match between him and Seth in late 2023, early 2024). I understand that a lot of this was because of Vince still having a majority or decent amount of control, but even with the stuff that's happened after the Vince regime, it's still just really underwhelming considering how the crowd got behind him in NXT and when he first debuted, especially his recent US title reign that was underwhelmingly lackluster.

B: Asuka - Again, Fantastic work in NXT, and had an unbeaten streak for the entire time she was there, and even carried it into the Main Roster when she got called up. A force to be reckoned with for sure, and the catchphrase "No one is Ready for Asuka" made since because she was unbeaten. And she was the inaugural Women's Royal Rumble winner! Surely there was no way to mess this up, right? And then, she lost to Charlotte Flair. While her booking was still consistently good and she put in great matches a lot, and got stuff like MITB, Women's tag titles, it sucked, and still does that "No one is Ready for Asuka" does not apply to Wrestlemania, as she is 0-5 at the Showcase of the Immortals, including her first ever loss in WWE to Charlotte Flair at Wrestlemania 34.

C: Iyo Sky/Kairi Sane - While this is more focused on Iyo, Kairi is personally one of my favorite wrestlers, and I do want to see her go after a midcard title (since unfortunately she is probably not a big enough draw to become a women's world champion). Now, Iyo Sky was again, fantastic for her first part in NXT, and then once COVID hit, I sorta stopped watching (shouldn't I have watched MORE as a result?), since I grew a bit dissatisfied with the overall wrestling product. So while I can't speak to her second half of the NXT run, the first was still great. DMG CTRL was also good, even if I don't really like heel stables (please just disband the Judgement Day already, it's the same formula every match and it's annoying). I understand her losing at her first Mania in 23, since it was Becky (I believe?), Trish and Lita, so giving the legends the nod there is fine. And then, she won MITB, and cashed in at Summerslam! Wow, surely this would be a step in the right direction! And then what followed was an unfortunately, IMO, lackluster World Title Reign that had the writing on the wall pretty clearly when Bayley won the Royal Rumble in 2024. And, I gotta say, I watched all of night 2 of WM40 (couldn't watch night 1 until Sunday morning due to working on Saturday night), but, it was not a great match for me and my group of friends, especially since it was the penultimate match on the card that night! And after that, we had the period of her teaming with Sane as Asuka and Kai faced injuries, which, understandable, it gave both her and Sane something to do. And, her winning against Rhea on March 3rd this year would've been great, had it not just been obvious (and if they don't, feel free to come back and lambast me for this) that she's gonna drop either back to Rhea or to Belair at WM41, extending her own WM record to 0-3, in addition to Asuka's 0-5, Shinsuke's 0-3 record, and Kairi's 0-3 record (0-2 if you don't want to count battle royals).

So while again, I don't think that they disrespect non Samoan/Bloodline Asian talents behind the curtains, they've pretty consistently mismanaged them on the Main Roster, and even when give titles, they don't really do anything significant with them and they really end up as disappointing bookmarks for me. Does anyone else feel this way, or something similar?