So… what would a CW adaptation of ATLA look like?👀

I am aware that this is kind of a pointless question since Netflix has obviously already done this, but it’s a question on my mind nonetheless.

I bring this up because I saw the leaked teaser for the CW’s reboot of the Powerpuff Girls that was canceled (THANK GOD).

But now it’s occurred to me: what would happen if ATLA was ever adapted into some live action reboot by THE CW of all networks?

I imagine that:

-The effects for the bending and animals like Appa and Momo would be shitty.

-There will most likely be forced drama and infighting in every episode like Sokka (for some reason) being jealous of Aang being the Avatar.

-The writers would definitely center one of the main plot lines to cater to shipping wars in the fan base like Zutara v. Kataang.

-The characters would be super unlikeable and out of character. For example: making Toph complain every episode about how everyone underestimates her for being blind and she’ll make being blind her entire personality (when we KNOW Toph does not do that).

-The overall tone of the story will be made to be some edgy teenage angst with a joke here and there that falls flat.

-“You are NOT the Avatar, Aang. WE are the Avatar.”

These are speculations I have based on other CW shows I have seen in the past like Arrow, The Flash, and All American.

I just wanted to get this question and these realizations off my chest more than anything, but what are y’all’s thoughts? Anything I missed?