High Banking in CA, USA

I am new to prospecting and looking at buying some equipment. I have not got to the point where I went in applied for permits or anything but I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on prospecting and keeping up on this Reddit.

Even though it seems high banking is used by the guys on YouTube in different areas looking into this I read that it's illegal in California and you have to be a minimum of 300 ft or 100 yd from the water.

This kind of throws a kink into the plans about high banking. Even though I knew about the issues with water pollution an control and know that you can't do it in the water but I thought being you know 30 40 ft away from the shore would be fine but it looks like in California they went all ridiculous like they do everything else and made it a hundred yards.

Anyway I was wondering how California prospectors are dealing with these laws around high banking or if you're just not doing it because of law?

Update: I drove up to placerville and talked with a guy that worked in the store. He said it is confusing but there are legal was to use your high banker and it's not that big of a deal but a lil of that California pain in the ass regulations but doable.