Even if you think they haven't cheated.. They more than likely have

I was on here months ago proclaiming she had all the signs of being a narc and I knew she defo was... But apart from the part of her having another supply

Oh how foolish and naive I was... She had multiple guys she was sexting and sending pics to.. And she even went all the to somewhere else further up Scotland just to have sex with someone else..

For months she told me she had no sexual desire, that I was a "pest" because I would ask for sex like 3 times in the space of 8 months.. She made me feel so worthless but I held on to the part she just didn't want sex in general.. But now it leaves me feeling disgusting and so stupid for thinking she wouldn't do that to me..

But she did... And when confronted about it.. She lied.. And lied and lied.. Till I told her how I knew...

No matter how much they have tried to convince you they aren't sleeping with someone else or that they aren't interested in sex... Trust me... They more than likely are... But just want to mess with your head

I'm so sorry for anyone else who has had to go thru this.. To make you feel like it isn't just you.. To then pull the rug from under you and make you realise.. It was just you they didn't want.. Until they do again.. And you fall for all the same shit again..

Don't believe the lies.. The constant lies..