After the discard

I am mainly looking for others experience of when the discard ends and they seem to be the way they were before

I would imagine you would be very apprehensive, sort of like a victim of abuse waiting for the punch, but more mentally

What was the experience like, how did their behaviour change, did it change, did you find out any truths post discard that make it difficult to move forward, either with or without them?

I am basically in the situation where the narc has ended the discard due to me confronting them with the truths I knew about what she had done, discarding me while still living in my house, finding out things like sexting many other guys, meeting up with a guy to have sex, constant lies, manipulations and real cruelty

She seems to have went back to the way she was before the discard but I can't see her in any other way than the person she was during discard, it does feel like the balls in my court in a way, that it's my house and I can still put her out, I can take the decision to just end things with her.. But I haven't been able to during the discard and still am unable to

Guess I'm just looking for some perspective on this and what others experience was