Today's the day

So yesterday I had a real good day with pals at the football and in the pub, hadn't had day out like that in a while where I actually enjoyed myself

But came home to the narc/nex paraletically drunk, where she had fell thru her daughter's door, spewed all over the floor and her dad had to come up to clean it up before I got home.. That part I can deal with, I have seen her in that state before, but she hadn't drunk in a while

But when she crashed out I was a little drunk still and ended up going thru her phone, messages confirming she has had sex with someone I else, sex texts, explicit images and videos of her sent to guys.. I probably already knew but tried to convince myself it wasn't happening, but typical narc behaviour

So I sent her a WhatsApp telling her I know she f*cked other guys and left it at that

She came in about 4am to the living room as i chose to sleep on the sofa while she was crashed out in the bed,, she was annoyed and said what I was on about, and I had the choice to tell her I went thru her phone, but decided to be sneaky and told her while she was nearly crashing out she told me she had been with someone else. I wanted to see if she could at least be honest when confronted

She told me nothing happened and she just wanted to see what her options were,, I just told her to go back to sleep and I'd speak to her in the morning.

So morning rolls round and I'm out for a smoke, she comes out to smoke too and I just ignore her, I finish my smoke and just walk past her, she asks me if we are going to just ignore each other or if I want to talk, I said we can talk and went back into living room, she came into the living room after she finished her smoke

So I asked again, did she sleep with someone else, and she said no, it was just a meet up and she wanted to know if she wanted to be with someone else, and she said she didn't, lie 1 and 2, I then asked if she had sent any sexual type messages to the other guys, she said no it was just friendly chat,, lie 3, I asked if she sent explicit videos or pics to these guys, she said oh no I wouldn't do that, lie 4, I asked it it was just 1 guy or if there were others, she said it was only 1 guy, lie 5

So there we have the lies out in the open, and tbh even if I hadn't went thru her phone, it was obvious she was lying, she is a terrible liar tbh

So my plan is to wait for her daughter to leave to go to her boyfriends for a few days, and will confront her about the lies and tell her I know she is lying now, there is no excuses, no justification,, no way to weedle her way around what she has done..

She discarded me 6 months ago but made the case she didn't want to be with anyone, with that I felt I could deal with her living in my house as it stayed like that, but as soon as other guys are involved then it's game over for her..

She has used and abused me for too long now.. I am now done with her...