You're allowed to just have fun in DD

This is mostly catered toward the casuals, newbies, frustrated players, etc. This game, like most competitive games, has its perception heavily influenced by the grinders, streamers, sweats, etc.

If you just want to have fun, I'd recommend ignoring all that extra noise. There are so many modes—online and offline—skill levels to mess around with, and things to do.

Some people really enjoy grinding night and day, P5ing everyone, flipping cards, walloping the Rockies on Rookie to pad stats for programs, completing everything there is to complete—only to get antsy when there is "nothing to do."

There's always something to do. It’s called just playing the game.

I've been there before. I don’t even want to know how many hours I put into MLB 22 a few years back. A lot of it was just mindless grinding, just to say I got "that card." And by the time I got it, I was often too exhausted to even use it.

This year, I am chilling. I've played a lot today, but I’m not going balls to the wall trying to max out Affinity or the initial programs. When I get a new card, it’s a nice surprise. I am forced to play with guys I haven’t really used much.

Who knew Cam Smith was one of the best cards I’ve ever used?

I form weird attachments to the cards I get. I get excited to open singular packs. I play the game on All-Star. If I am frustrated, I’ll play a Rookie game and mash for funsies. Then I get back to something a bit more challenging. Because that’s fun too.

What I am getting at is—it's okay to just go with the flow. Especially in the early game.

The power creep returning makes my team actually feel like mine, not just a random conglomeration of jacked-up, mix-and-match 99s all year until the game (in my opinion) devolves into 120+ switch hitters on every team.

Breathe. Just have fun. It’s a game.