Feminism is a spectrum
This is the most common misconception I've seen in all of the MRM (coming from an MRA). Feminism is not one ideology.
Feminism refers to anything that is pro-women.
This can range from "I want men and women to be equal" to "I think all men should k*ll themselves".
Feminism is not just one thing, extremist feminists aren't the only feminists.
There are even different waves of feminism focusing on different things, it's not one movement anymore.
The problem is that extreme feminism has been popularised.
Previously, the most common and popular form of feminism was equal rights, still focusing on women's rights.
Now, the most popular ideology is anti-men brainwashing.
What feminists and MRAs need to do is stop these extremist ideologies from corrupting feminism. If not, then it will pretty much fall, bringing down the actual good people who support equal rights down with it.
Our enemy is not feminists. Think of it as it's own nation in a civil war. A negative revolution is happening in feminism, and we need to support and preserve the original ideals.
We have to stand united with what feminism used to entail, and while extremists will always stay on the spectrum, we can repopularise the good ideologies of equal rights.